Monday, July 4, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

Aussie Magazine Features my Button Cards

A few weeks ago I received an email from Tamar Bostock who is a writer for a new craft magazine being published in Australia to debut July 1st.
She asked if she could used my Digital Vintage Button Cards from my Etsy shop in an article she was writing about buttons. Of course she had permission!

Today I received the inagural issue of etzceteramagazine which can be read via the internet. It is a beautifully done magazine and full of crafty ideas and articles. I read the 40 page magazine cover to cover.

She gave me full credit for the cards along with the web address of my Etsy shop where they could go to and buy some.
I don't have a clue how she found my button cards out of the millions of items listed on Etsy but I thank God that she did and has given my shop this exposure.

Please give yourself a treat and take a look at this magazine.