Friday, June 20, 2008

Scanning Fabric

I had some fabric left from making matching dresses and purses for cousins,
Anna-Kate and Elise. I scanned the fabric into my computer and my Photoshop elements. I cropped out each flower and removed the background. Some of the flowers I changed the hue and brightness to give them a different color. I isolated one of the heart petals, added a bow and some shadow. For the flowers across the bottom, I 'drew' the green stems on my background paper, then added the flowers I had made. All in all, pretty cute even if it did take most of the day.
Thanks for taking a look,
Sally Swift
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  1. That came out pretty neat, I love the rick rack along the bottom.

  2. Girl, you never cease to amaze me.
    What a treasure you are as you bring life to the commonest of things.
    I love you dearly.
