Friday, January 30, 2009

'I will restore what the locust has eaten'

I have a dear frend of almost 30 years. She writes The Loving Gathering blog.
She now lives in Georgia but distance and time doesn't dappen our friendship. Her testimony makes me ashamed for ever complaining about anything. She has had many tough mountains to climb with her children. Her youngest child, Michael, loves the Lord and is the process of starting his own Blog. Below is the design I did for him...for Him!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful friend! What a great layout to remind us of those things we forget.

  2. You are the winner!
    you came to my blog and left a comment, and I would like to give you the whole kit!
    Please email me
    and I can send you the code to download it FREE!

  3. Michael truly is becoming that Iron Man. Your art encouraged him. Thank you for all you to to visually express our Father's love for us.
