Saturday, October 23, 2010

Celebrate? well.....

My last post I said I would celebrate when I had my first sale. I did have that sale this week and even though it was only for 6.00, I felt like celebrating. My celebrating came in the form of listing more items.
Then a Blessed friend of old gave me a big box of buttons...lots of butons. There was a grocery receipt in the bag with a date of 1996 but I believe the buttons are older than that. They are all on cards and must have been bought when a store was closing. Many of the buttons would make great earrings so I will probably post them as supplies for jewelery making. My granddaughter Elise (6) and I had so much fun going through them, combining matches and bagging them according to style or color.
While I love 'all things homey', my house looks like a hurricane struck it. All kinds of stuff sitting around waiting to be photographed and listed.

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