Monday, November 1, 2010

All about me and Etsy!

Hello! I have two shops on Etsy now and Treasures4ewe. My daughter is helping me create and add things to our vintage site at Treasures4ewe. We are finding wonderful treasures to list and treasures I can upcycle. I am also on a Team CAC (Christian Artists and Craftpersons) is a part of where I have my All Things Homey shop. Before I could become a member I had to fill out their questionaire which is below. There are almost 400 members of CAC so I am looking forward to making a lot of new friends.

Say Hi to Sally!
1. Shop Name(s)

2. First Name

3. How long have you been a member of the Etsy Community?
I listed my first item on October 6th, 2010

4. Married/Single? Spouse's name

5. Birthday Month/Day... we don't need the year.
October 31

6. What state/country do you live in?
Florida, USA

7. Do you have any children? Will you tell us their lst name and age?
Yes, I have three daughters and 12 grandchildren. Do you really want all their names?

8. How long have you been crafting what you sell on Etsy?
I started cutting paper dolls when I was 7 and have done crafts every since. I still have over 200 of those paper dolls, but I don't play with them anymore.

9. When you have free time, what do you like to do?
Look at other etsy shops, of course!

10. Are you on a ministry team at your church or do you have your own ministry?Yes
What type is it?
I am part of our Prayer Ministry Team. I, and another lady, have a ministry to Juvenile inmates in jail being tried as adults. It is called 'Arts Inside'.

11. How long have you been a Christian?
I was a Christian for 16 years before I became Born Again at age 36. Hm-m, that's about 29 years ago.

12. What is your favorite item in your shop right now?
Isn't it always the last item posted. It is a Thanksgiving Hanger I created out of the tons of Vintage stuff I have.

13. What would you like to do that you have not done yet?
Paint a beautiful landscape with lavender growing in the foreground.

14. If we were having a team party, what would you be bringing?
Buttermilk Fudge

15. Do you prefer salty or sweet snacks?

16. What type of pets do you have, if any?
I have a cat that adopted me. My grandson named him Woody because his fur looks like wood grain.

17. Which of these three would you prefer to do? Hang glide, bungee jump, or sit by the pool and be waited on hand and foot?
Gotta be, sit by the pool and be waited on hand and foot...for at least 15 minutes, then I would be bored.

18. If you were on a rocket to the moon, what is one thing you would want to have?
A bathroom!

19. Does your vehicle have a name, if so, what is it?
Poor thing doesn't have a name.

20. Is there anything other type of items that you would like to add to your current shop?
Oh my, yes. IF I had time!

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