Friday, July 26, 2013

Patchwork Scrapbook Page

The quilt pattern is 'Variable Star'.
The page was made in 1995 when I did a whole series of scrapbook pages based on different quilt patterns.
Families are like quilts,
Lives pieced together,
stitched with smiles and tears,
colored with memories
and bound with love.
Author unknown


  1. A wonderful idea to base scrapbook pages on patchwork. Just love this page and so pleased that you have shared it with us at Out of a Hat this week

    Love Chrissie x

  2. Hi Lovely scrapbook page it he stars look good. Thanks for sharing with us at OOAH. Hugs Sandra X

  3. Beautiful patch work layout
    thanks for sharing with us at OOAH
    Janet x
