Wednesday, July 31, 2013

TRAVEL TAG  for Tag Tuesday ( I lost my photo - but you can view it on the blog....see link)


I chose as my Travel Tag for Tag Tuesday, a favorite quote of mine.
If you do not know where you are going,
the road will get you nowhere.
I hand lettered the quote on a piece of paper that I had aged with distress ink.
I made the suitcase out of stacked cardboard, decorated it and put on country flag labels. The arm holding the suitcase is also cardboard and both are raised with pop dots.
The background is a generic map that has been distressed..
The bottom tag is a hand lettered:
Life is a Journey
It is mounted on a red grosgrain ribbon and has a dimensional 'compass' over lapping on the side.
My apologizes for the fuzzy tag photo. I am having trouble with my computer this week.



  1. I can't see the tag here or at Tag Tuesday. :(

  2. Hi Sally, I can't see your picture here or TT either I'm afraid :(

  3. Sally, I met your daughter Collette online through pinterest and see that she is a fellow consultant with Close to my Heart. We got to chatting about living in Jax and come to find out I am right up the road from you in The Valley at Hidden Hills. Such a small world we live it.
